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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 49b

I ran a second time again today, getting in 8 miles in the HEAT of the afternoon. About 2 was on trail (nice!), and at the end I stopped at the Red Hat building (much to the dismay of the secretary who "greeted" me) to return a badge I found on the sidewalk. My time (sans badge returning episode) was ~1:16, for a 9:30 pace.

The trips up the stairs for the waterslide at the pool tonight definitely let me know my legs are tired!

48 run/49 days

1 comment:

  1. Scott - I think the courses work the same in the US, its just that most of the mapping applications can access USGS topo maps. So you can create a route on, then when you look at and click on action kml and save it then covert the KML file to a TCX file using GPSies , which then you can upload to Garmin Training Centre and sync to your 405. Good luck! Regards, Toni
